September 1, 2015 By: Prabhu Jha
Progress application modernization is different from general modernization since Progress as a platform is still active and cannot be ignored during the modernization process. It is therefore important for me to outline the options that must be considered while modernizing a Progress application.
Also, the existing investment in legacy applications should be leveraged to meet the current and future business demands.
I will not be discussing these options in detail here, as I prefer to focus more on the various benefits and the costs and risks involved.
The options for modernizing Legacy Progress applications are:
- Legacy Platform Upgrade
- Technology Migration
- Cloud Enablement
- Cloud aPaas Migration
Fig: Progress Legacy Modernization Options
The Key Benefits and Risks of Various Modernization Options
Here is a high-level overview of the costs/benefits/risks associated with each option. Take a look and share with me your own experiences during the modernization journey.