How Seceon Open Threat Management Platform Is Different from Competitors and Deserves Recognition?

August 25, 2017 By: RK Kamra

Today, in a world that has been plagued by security threats, Seceon, after much brainstorming and out-of-the-box thinking, has come up with a better way to deal with these hazards.

They have in fact come up with solutions that have the potential to surface, manage and remediate threats which are then automatically adapted to and eventually minimized. Here’s why Seceon’s open threat management solutions are different from the competition and deserve recognition:

  1. Real-Time Surfacing of Threats
    Seceon’s innovative security solutions are designed to Surface, Manage and Remediate security threats that are automatically adapted to eventually, thus making it a unique threat-detection and remediation solution. This feature is divergent of the existing security product functions and delivers true value to customers. Needless to say, it stands apart in the crowded world of security solutions, all thanks to its out-of-the-box approach.

  2. Threat Remediation with Business Impact
    Seceon’s security solutions make a comprehensive analysis of the users, devices, applications and other assets of the clients, ultimately providing a conclusive answer to how Threat Remediation solutions can be better incorporated. It provides the client with a complete view of the nature of the threat that’s looming around the organization and suggests remediation recommendations. Furthermore, it also supplements an indication of the impact the remediation steps will have upon the client’s business, empowering the client to make his call.

  3. Works for All Traffic
    Seceon’s security solutions are the most non-intrusive systems in today’s world. This is mainly because of the fact that the solutions offered by the company are agentless and do not really sit in line. There are no pre-defined rules for import and customization, no signatures to pull in and no complicated filters needing optimization at the cellular level. The solutions work for both encrypted and non-encrypted data.

How it Works – Salient Features and Benefits

Seceon has a more simplified approach to some of the most complex problems when it comes to open threat management. The company work on the concept of behavioral analysis, which means it builds a comprehensive view of how users, devices, applications, and databases interact, and then goes on to study them and learn from these interactions.

The solutions that are provided thereafter are the result of a combination of algorithms and techniques put together based on data returned by threat indicators. That being said, the data correlated by these indicators are run through multiple stages of monitoring in an attempt to determine the authenticity of these treats. Finally, threats if any, are displayed in a clear, concise and jargon-free language focusing on aspects such as the nature of the threat, source of the threat, the threat’s target area, etc. which facilitates even the layman employee to comprehend what’s going on and how exactly to handle it.

Unlike traditional security solutions that are built around static rules and signatures, Seceon’s open threat management platform is good not only at finding threats that have been seen before, but also the ones that are forthcoming and never seen before. Seceon’s security solutions surface all threats within a business and deliver unparalleled visibility into risks that are not only internal but also external.

About the Author

RK Kamra

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