Hyperautomation – Is It for You?

February 4, 2022 By: Deep Thapliyal

Automation is not a new concept across global industries. Simple, manual tasks have been automated with the help of machines and technology for several decades now. However, with the emergence of new-age technologies, automation has taken on a new dimension. Today, with automation, manufacturing companies are able to streamline processes, simplify the supply chain, and go to market faster than ever before. Automation in the pharma industry has enabled faster and more efficient production and distribution of life-saving drugs. The banking industry has been able to enhance customer experience and retention with the help of automation.

Further, the application of more advanced technologies has created several facets in the automation journey. A term quite often used is RPA or robotic process automation, which refers to the automation of repetitive, rule-based processes. Intelligent automation implies leveraging new-age technologies such as artificial intelligence into the automation process.

Taking the Leap from Automation to Hyperautomation

The genesis of hyperautomation began with the need for a more strategic, organization-wide disciplined approach to automation moving beyond siloed use cases for task-specific automation within a process. And an increasing need to reduce resource allocation for low-risk, high-volume tasks that were often prone to human errors. The rapid evolution of automation from being ad-hoc technology support for business processes to implementing robotic process automation (RPA) and advancing to intelligent automation and hyperautomation, indicates the measurable and successful business value it delivers across multiple verticals within an enterprise. By marrying AI Tools with RPA, Hyperautomation extends legacy Business Process Automation beyond the confines of individual processes. Hyperautomation enables organizations to achieve business agility to drive targeted services with consistency.

Hyperautomation is, therefore, an extension of automation, a framework and set of advanced technologies that enable the process for automation across an organization. A term coined by Gartner, hyperautomation refers to the orchestration of the right combination of technologies that enable business units to automate, simplify, and manage workflows and processes across the enterprise (see Figure 1). It is an intelligent integration of multiple tools within the technology ecosystem, enabling vital collaboration between machines and human judgment to deliver value-centric services for customers. Hyperautomation leverages the power of advanced technologies such as RPA, big data, IoT, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to build on the existing automation tools to overcome limitations. It provides organizations with a reliable framework to deploy technologies to optimize business processes for repeatable outcomes, with minimal human intervention.

The Journey Towards Hyperautomation

Gartner states that hyperautomation is an unavoidable market state. With digital transformation altering traditional business models, increasing dependence on remote work models, and evolving customer expectations, enterprises need the right tools to elevate their resources from mundane repetitive tasks to responsibilities that actually require human intelligence for better service outcomes.

It is exhilarating to imagine the positive potential of technology, but without a clear strategic direction, the rewards and the lasting value of hyperautomation for an organization will be amiss. The journey towards hyperautomation starts with a process and technical discovery which is mostly automated.

With hyperautomation, organizations can relieve their critical resources from repetitive tasks and make them technology partners and stakeholders in driving core business in an increasingly competitive landscape. The unique data insights and the right combination of expertise can empower employees to craft personalized customer journeys and deliver a better service experience. Hyperautomation is a critical part of digital transformation that allows organizations improved agility and customer-centricity to streamline their technical capabilities for augmented service output.

As the pandemic continues to fuel the pace of transformation, there is a growing trend where Hyperautomation capabilities are expected to turn mainstream across various business operations and not remain limited to niche or highly specialized use cases. Hyperautomation will also create new opportunities for organizations to deliver achievable business value through huge operational improvements and return on investments, thus creating a competitive edge for themselves in the ever-evolving market.

Hyperautomation in Action (Use Cases)

1. Hyperautomation in Healthcare

Hyperautomation in Healthcare enables hospitals and other healthcare units to effectively deal with the shortage of labor with end-to-end automation in place that requires minimal human intervention such as billing cycles, inventory management, and patient record maintenance. It can also help with AI-assisted diagnostics. It enables hospitals to provide a better patient-centric care experience. In today’s scenario, remote monitoring is gaining popularity keeping in view the physical distancing and lockdowns restrictions. Technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), wearables, digital health assistants, and data analytics plays a vital role here. Healthcare providers can use sensors and wearables to monitor parameters like blood pressure, glucose levels of high-risk group patients with chronic conditions or undergoing post-acute care. Digital health assistants can drive adherence to treatment recommendations while data analytics can drive alerts and provide recommendations for patient engagement plans to manage personalized care.

2. Hyperautomation in the BFSI Sector

For organizations operating in the financial and insurance industries, the cut-throat competition and changing customer needs create enormous pressure to meet the service expectations without compromising on the requisite regulatory and legal compliance. With hyperautomation, organizations can leverage data insights for delivering personalized products and services. It can also support back-end efficiencies and improve risk assessments.

When technologies such as deep learning are applied to big data, predictive analytics and decisions are the output that allows for better business, including detection and prevention of frauds.

3. Hyperautomation in Retail

Online retail spending is set to grow at an exponential rate and each retailer with an online presence is leveraging technology to personalize the shopping experience and reduce cart abandonment. Hyperautomation can be leveraged to identify preferences for targeted ad campaigns, and loyalty recognitions along with providing back-end process support including procurement, billing, and inventory management.

Another example that one can take cognizance of, is the automobile industry, where robotics can help in the assembly section.

The Future-forward

At the end of the day, hyperautomation is all about being more strategic about your long-term automation goals. With the help of disruptive technologies and harnessing their full capabilities, you can help your business in performing better, discovering more as well as analyzing more accurately.

Of course, there are many processes ripe for hyperautomation across the business, it is just required to identify the areas and fill the gap with the right strategy and framework. In case you are wondering how to successfully put hyperautomation into action for your business, we got you.

JK Tech is a strategic partner of Evolute IQ, a market-leading technology company for hyperautomation, bringing the expertise and knowledge to deliver a holistic solution to unlock the next level of digital disruption with hyperautomation. Harness the true potential of your technology capabilities by integrating disparate solutions used across the enterprise to achieve true business transformation with a customer-centric service delivery model.

About the Author

Deep Thapliyal

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