Master Remote Working: The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right Remote Job for You

June 1, 2021 By: Tanuj Singh

Remote working has gained its well-deserved popularity in today’s time. The convenient option and ability to work outside of a corporate office which has been fairly rare for a few decades, working remotely is now widely being accepted by many businesses and brands. With the novel coronavirus outbreak, the course of action along with various outcomes for each business had changed dramatically. Businesses had to accept fate and quickly adapt to the concept of ‘Work From Home’ which led to the rise and shine of remote working. Practically speaking, the only difference between ‘Work From Home’ & Remote Working is the location.

Remote work is a style of working where work can be executed and performed successfully without any location restrictions or specifics. It is the new era of working style that offers professionals the freedom to operate and not get help with one location. It allows professionals to work in their custom-designed work environment leading to increased productivity and quality work. Additionally, Remote Working is the gateway to saving one of the most valued resources: ‘‘Time’’ and providing your remote workforce with the time and ability to focus on complex issues of work better. With the epidemic of the coronavirus, most work cultures have witnessed a paradigm shift with newer meanings and implications of work from home & remote working. As predicted by experts, concepts such as work from home & remote working are only here to stay and grow as the ‘new normal’ for businesses globally.

Although, Remote Working widens your horizons, here are five helpful tips for you to master the art of Remote Working:

  • Set Your Routine: Many underestimate the power of set routines, but for Remote Working professional a set routine enhances productivity as well as helps in putting out quality work. With a set routine in place, you get to prioritise the important tasks of the day and work and easily achieve them. Some tasks are well-performed in the morning while some tasks may need an environment change to afternoons and evenings. A set routine also aids in building hobbies and taking up new hobbies to encourage overall well-being. At JK Tech, we conduct various health, fitness, and mindfulness session for our employees to maintain a happier & healthier lifestyle.
  • Plan a Balanced Timetable: Flexibility is one of the biggest blessings of Remote Working. Keeping the same in mind, as a remote working professional, you have the advantage of perfecting a work-life balance with a balanced timetable. Along with work and work goals in mind, give equal importance to your micro-breaks along with your lunchtime. Move around and reduce your screen time. Set time out for your family. JK Tech believes in a more result-oriented approach rather than target-oriented, therefore, our employees relish the joys of work-life balance better.
  • Create the right Remote Working Culture: A remote work culture too plays a pivotal role at remote working jobs. Be it a team or individual employee, as a professional remote worker, you must ensure to bond and jive with your co-workers and build the right culture for yourself. An effective way to connect with the right Remote Working Culture would be to understand the company’s culture its mission, values, visions, and profound philosophies. JK Tech is a people-driven organization, wherein transparency, diversity, passion along a friendly work culture is given due importance. Hence our employees have the liberty to explore and express their thoughts and foster relationships.
  • Set your ‘Skill-Building’ Time: Like the famous quote says “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” similarly, for a remote working job, skilling and re-skilling is paramount.
    JK Tech’s “Innovation Hub” is designed for our employees to advance, experiment, and discover the next-gen technologies & software which lead to building employee creativity and knowledge.
  • Network with the Remote Workforce: Socializing with your colleagues at each job is necessary, even at remote working jobs. Remote Working can be challenging at times with a lack of human interactions and a disconnect from a cubicle environment. To stay connected and experience potential opportunities, as a remote working professional, you must build relationships with your co-workers to increase team harmony, meet new people, and make more contacts. At JK Tech, we promote employee engagement, collaboration, and skill sharing to diversify our remote workforce and nurture strong colleague bonds.

In spite of Remote Working’s poor reputation shaped various misleading myths, there have been serious efforts to bust such myths with more businesses accepting remote working owing to its numerous advantages and efficacies.

  • Enhanced Motivation: Probably one of the most underrated advantages of remote working. Owing to a comfortably chosen environment by employees, remote working becomes one of the biggest motivators for such professionals. It helps employees to decode and grow a new passion towards their respective careers. Their environment is viewed as prized possession earned against all the hard work and efforts. At JK Tech, we provide our employees with golden opportunities to explore in various career streams leading to the fruitful realise of limitless and dedicated passion for work.
  • Improved Productivity: Generally, one of the biggest myths against remote working is decreased productivity. On contrary to such myths, remote working jobs actually have the capability to increase employee productivity and output. The main reasons owing to this factor are flexibility, custom-made environments, and saving of commute timing. In a remote working job, employees work in a comfortable environment, moreover, employees get to bring a newer sense of flexibility to their day-to-day lives while balancing work and setting new targets. At JK Tech, we celebrate employee achievements and milestones owing to all the profound efforts and increase in productivity to work.
  • Newer Lifestyle: There can’t be enough stress on work-life balance. An ideal element in every professional’s life is to have balance; physical, mental, emotional, and overall well-being. Remote working has proven to bring out the perfect work-life balance. We at JK Tech hold numerous fitness, health, and refreshing activities and workshops to promote and ensure employee well-being.

Remote Working indeed is the future of versatile working as the era of ‘new normal’ strikes in. It is a different style of work with a fair share of pros and cons, which you in a remote working job have to determine for yourself.

Happy Remote Working to you!

About the Author

Tanuj Singh

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